Onlinebibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt. Managing Your Career as an Introvert


Managing Your Career as an Introvert

Managing Your Career as an Introvert

Autor*in: Clark, Dorie

Jahr: 2019


The world, in general, is optimized for extroverts. So how can introverts get noticed at work? When you're starting your career or switching jobs or companies, you have to connect with others and build relationships. This is easier for extroverts than it is for introverts, who need alone time to recalibrate and replenish. For introverts, there are ways to establish yourself effectively at your new job or company so others understand your true skills and abilities-without having to go out on an extroverted limb. Author, coach, and professor Dorie Clark explains how to understand your strengths, connect to opportunities, and succeed on your terms.

Titel: Managing Your Career as an Introvert

Autor*in: Clark, Dorie

Verlag: LinkedIn

Kategorie: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

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