Onlinebibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt. Software Programmieren Angebot


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Titel 10.061-10.080 von 10.417

Rout, Richard

ASP.NET Core: Test-Driven Development

Get practical, hands-on experience implementing test-driven development of ASP.NET Core applications ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Harmer, Tony

Introduction to Graphic Design

Graphic design is a complex art. To become a graphic designer, you need to master many different ski ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Long, Ben

Photography for Graphic Designers

You're a graphic designer who often needs photography in your projects. What do you need to know to  ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


McClelland, Deke

Illustrator CC 2018 One-on-One Fundamentals

Design and create amazing works of art using Adobe Illustrator CC 2018, the powerful vector-based dr ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Winters, Luisa

Cert Prep: FAA Part 107 Commercial Drone License (2017)

Prepare for the certification testing involved to become a licensed pilot of commercial drones. In t ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


McClelland, Deke

Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One: Fundamentals

Photographers and graphic designers of varying levels of expertise-including professionals, hobbyist ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Thoma, Marc Oliver

Drupal Grundkurs 1: Übersicht und Installation

Entdecken Sie im ersten Teil des umfangreichen Grundkurses, wie das mächtige Content Management Syst ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Bock, Lisa

IT Security Foundations: Operating System Security

The operating system is where many attacks are targeted, which makes OS-level security just as impor ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Chan, Chiu-Ki

Kotlin for Android: Best Practices

Kotlin is a popular programming language, and for good reason; it's pragmatic, fun, and officially s ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Orwig, Chris

Learning Natural Light Portrait Photography

Lighting can make or break a portrait. Photographers often try to improve light using flash or light ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Ritscher, Walt

Try .NET First Look

Wish you could give learners a more hands-on experience with .NET as they peruse your documentation  ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Harrington, Richard; Torres, Francis

Learning Aerial Photography with Drones

Add a new perspective to your photography by taking to the skies to capture striking aerial images.  ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Schmuller, Joseph

Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

Data isn't valuable until you put it to good use. Statistics transforms data into meaningful informa ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Bock, Lisa

Securing the IoT: Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) is how devices on the Internet communicate through omnipresent sensors. ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Bock, Lisa

Ethical Hacking: Vulnerability Analysis

In order to assess-and ultimately, decrease-an organization's risk, IT security professionals must f ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Wickett, James; Mueller, Ernest

DevOps Foundations: Infrastructure as Code

By automating configuration management, you can make your organization's systems more reliable, proc ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


大須賀, 淳


Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Wenz, Christian

ASP.NET Core 1.0 Grundkurs

Microsoft hat sein .NET Framework quasi neu erfunden und Crossplattform-fähig gemacht: Mit ASP.NET C ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


土屋, 徳子

Photoshop ポートレートレタッチ講座

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Brencher, Sven

Premiere Pro CC 2017: Neue Funktionen

Welche neuen Features in Premiere Pro CC in der Version 2017 darauf warten von Ihnen eingesetzt zu w ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022
