Onlinebibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt. Alle Titel zu Lawrence, Renaldo


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Lawrence, Renaldo

Creative Insights: Renaldo Lawrence on Elearning

How do teachers adopt technology into classrooms, if they're not quite comfortable with it themselve ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Lawrence, Renaldo

Teaching Techniques: Creating Multimedia Learning

Students need an education that prepares them to be successful in an ever-changing technical world.  ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Lawrence, Renaldo

Teaching Technical Skills Through Video

Video offers a unique method for teaching and learning-especially for technical skills like programm ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022


Lawrence, Renaldo

Educational Technology for Student Success

Technology can play a critical role in the classroom, promoting engagement and knowledge retention.  ...

Im Bestand seit: 04.06.2022
