Onlinebibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt. Alle Titel zu Pavličić, Pavao


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Pavličić, Pavao

Ulica me odgojila

Ulica potiče čovjeka da filozofira. Možda to dolazi otuda što je ulica svima nama priručna zamjena z ...

Im Bestand seit: 29.09.2016


Pavličić, Pavao

Slobodni pad

This a fantasy/mystery novel about 35 years old historian joining aero-club trying to find out what  ...

Im Bestand seit: 14.06.2016


Pavličić, Pavao

Kraj mandata

This is a mystery novel talking of political careerism on Balkans. ...

Im Bestand seit: 14.06.2016


Pavličić, Pavao

Radovi na krovu

sedam džepnih krimića

Collection of crime short stories. ...

Im Bestand seit: 12.04.2016


Pavličić, Pavao

Skandal na simpoziju

Collection of 4 longer crime short stories and 3 crime novellas. ...

Im Bestand seit: 12.04.2016


Pavličić, Pavao

Večernji akt

This literary novel got NIN Award in 1981, ex-YU Booker Award. This is literary/fantasy/mystery nove ...

Im Bestand seit: 12.04.2016


Pavličić, Pavao

Cvijeće na vjetru

Crime novel featuring journalist Ivo Remetin. ...

Im Bestand seit: 12.04.2016
